Sogotrade將交割公司轉換到Penson Financial Services, Inc

2011年2月26日 星期六

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Genesis Securities, LLC向您宣布一個好消息: 為了提供您更好的交易經驗,更優質的客戶服務以及更多元化的產品與服務,Genesis Securities, LLC與榮麒證券Wang Investments達成合作協議,SogoTrade的客戶將轉移至榮麒證券Wang Investment Associates, Inc.(Wang Investments),SogoTrade將授權其交易技術至榮麒證券,SogoTrade頂尖的網路交易平台將繼續為您服務。榮麒證券為業界歷史悠久的證劵公司,自1986年以來即為美國FINRA(Financial Industry regulatory Authority)註冊會員並以其優質的客戶服務享譽業界。在合作之後,SogoTrade將成為榮麒證券Wang Investments的旗下部門。我們堅信這次的合作將為顧客創造更好的投資交易環境,更豐富的產品以及優質服務。
榮麒證券Wang Investment Associates, Inc.(Wang Investments) 將繼續提供SogoTrade先進的平台及低廉的$3網路交易佣金;同時,結合榮麒證券Wang Investments著名的客戶服務並提供更多樣化的產品,我們將為您的網路美股投資帶來更多的效益。
新增服務將包括 :
Genesis Securities, LLC. is proud to announce great news to our customers. In order to provide you with a better trading experience, improved customer service and more account features, we have made arrangements to transfer our SogoTrade client accounts and license our SogoTrade technology to Wang Investment Associates, Inc.(Wang Investments), a leading online broker. Wang Investments has been a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) since 1986 and is a firm renowned in the industry for providing exceptional customer service. Following the transfer of our accounts, SogoTrade will conduct business as SogoTrade, a division of Wang Investment Associates, Inc. We are confident that this arrangement will offer our customers an improved trading and investing experience at a superior value.
Wang Investments will feature the same advanced trading technology and $3.00 online equity trade commissions that we have offered at Genesis Securities. When combined with Wang Investments outstanding customer service and increased product offerings, we feel this arrangement should provide you with numerous benefits, including:


為了進行帳戶轉移,您只需點擊"同意" 鍵, 授權將您的帳戶轉至榮麒證券Wang Investments。無須任何費用或其他手續, 您在SogoTrade的帳戶將被自動轉移。 在帳戶轉移之後,SogoTrade將成為榮麒證券Wang Investment Associates公司的旗下旗下部門。
To proceed with the transfer, simply click the “Accept” button to authorize the transfer of your account to Wang Investment Associates. No additional action needs to be taken on your part. Your account will be transferred automatically at no cost to you. Following the conversion, SogoTrade will conduct business as SogoTrade, a division of Wang Investment Associates, Inc.

Wang Investments/ SogoTrade慎選Penson Financial Services, Inc. (Penson) 作為清算公司。我們將免費在清算公司Penson為您開設一個帳戶。在帳戶轉移過程中,您的個人資料將轉移到Wang Investments,在Wang Investments公司隱私政策保障之下,若沒有得到您的批準前,我們不會將您的機密資料進行轉移。在帳戶轉移後,帳戶相關的簿記,託管,清算及結算功能將由Penson處理;而您的下單,訂單執行,帳戶維護將由Wang Investments/ SogoTrade為您服務。
Wang Investments/SogoTrade has chosen Penson Financial Services, Inc. (Penson) as its clearing firm. Your SogoTrade account will be transferred to an account created for you at Penson automatically without cost to you. Upon the transfer of your account, the confidential information you have given regarding you and your account will be given to Wang Investments which will submit its own privacy policy to you. We will not transfer any confidential information prior to your approval. Following the transition, the bookkeeping, custody and other clearing and settlement functions related to your account will be handled by Penson while the trading, execution, customer service and other account maintenance functions of your account will be handled by Wang Investments/Sogotrade.

Genesis Securities視顧客為工作中最寶貴的一環,我們將提供更好的服務;同時,我們堅信Wang Investment將繼續提供最好的服務以滿足您投資的需求。若您對於此次合作或您的帳戶移轉至榮麒證券有任何疑問,請隨時聯繫SogoTrade客戶服務部門電話(212) 668-8686。
We at Genesis Securities regard our relationship with you to be a valued component of our business. We are confident that Wang Investments will continue to satisfy your investment needs. If you have any questions about this arrangement or about the transfer of your account to Wang Investments, please feel free to contact SogoTrade customer support at (212) 668-8686.

在我授權以下條款之後,我將同意將我的帳戶從Genesis Securities轉至Wang Investments並且透過 Penson清算。

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