巴菲特或行為科學? (Buffett or BS?)Online Exclusive Update - #105

2011年10月16日 星期日


BS我猜是行為科學的縮寫(Behavioural sciences)




  1. 我提到巴菲特的時代已經過去了的理由是:
  2. 他所投資的信用評級公司,穆迪信評(Moody’s)是次貸危機的中心,在許多方面而言,這家公司是一個尚未被逮捕的罪犯。
  3. 最近他說,富人應該課跟他的秘書類似的稅率。(註:意思是富人的稅繳得太少了)
  4. 他最近正在撥電話給特別有錢的人並請求他們,多捐一點錢給政府。當他撥電話給我的朋友唐納川普(Donald Trump,美國地產大亨)川普委婉的告訴巴菲特,他自己有能力來做捐款(慈善事業),不需要政府來幫他做這件事。
  5. 此時,柏克夏海瑟威公司正在買回庫藏股。

你可能覺得買回庫藏股沒什麼好大驚小怪的,但這事發生在巴菲特先生身上,就是一件大事。專業投資人買回他自己的股票,通常是一個警訊。他可能代表著許多事情:通常一家公司買回庫藏股,可能表示"我公司的股票沒有上漲,但是藉由買回庫藏股來操縱股價上漲,如此會使我的股東快樂且喜歡我。"或者是"我無法找到一宗好的交易"也可能是"我不知如何令公司繼續成長" …





  October 13, 2011

Buffett or BS?

Warren Buffet is often called the “Oracle of Omaha.” When he speaks, the world listens. When he buys, markets move. I have tremendous respect for Warren Buffet. He’s obviously a very smart man and a great investor, but could it be that his time has past?

His company, Berkshire Hathaway (BSH), didn’t do well in the stock market during the crisis. BSH crashed along with the rest of the stock market. It’s my opinion that a professional investor’s portfolio should do well in an up-trending market and even better in a down-trending market—but that’s just my opinion and philosophy.

The reasons I say his time may have past are:

  1. He didn’t outperform the market.
  2. His credit rating company, Moody’s, was at the center of the subprime crisis, and in many ways is the culprit that hasn’t been arrested.
  3. He’s saying the rich should pay a similar percentage in tax as his secretary 
  4. He’s calling the ultra-rich and asking them to donate more money to the government. When he called my friend Donald Trump, Trump politely told him that he was able to make his own donations. He did not need the government to do his donating for him. 5.
  5. Now, Berkshire Hathaway is buying back its own shares

You may not think that buying your own shares is much news…but it is when Mr. Buffet does it.

Buying your own shares is often a red flag for professional stock investors. It can mean a number of things. Generally, when a company buys its own shares, it means, “I can’t get my share price to go up so I’ll manipulate the share price up by buying my own shares, which will make my shareholders happy and like me.” It can also mean, “I can’t find a good deal,” or, “I don’t know how to grow my company,” or, “I’ve got more money than brains,” or, “The best return for my money is to invest in my company.”

On CNBC, Buffet said he was buying back shares of Berkshire Hathaway because the value of his stock was less than the “intrinsic value of his company.” This sent the price of his stock back up. Where Warren leads, the sheep follow.

Who knows what the truth is? Only Warren knows.

There are two reasons why I don’t invest in stocks.

Reason #1: Employees play too many games, from the CEO down. Many employees use the public company as their person expense account and ATM. This is why I tend to invest in private companies, not public ones. The private companies are businesses of friends, fellow entrepreneurs who own their company and whom I know and trust.

Reason #2: I invest for cash flow, not capital gains. Most people who play the stock market invest for capital gains, wanting the price to go up. Investing for cash flow, I receive a check every month or every quarter. If I don’t like the dollar amount on my check, I call my friend to find out what’s going on.

Try calling Warren and see what happens.

Thank you for supporting COR.

Robert Kiyosaki



Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.

2011年10月4日 星期二



在股票市場裡也有許多這樣的例子,投資人總是買一些他們不了解的標的物(股票或共同基金或是其他投資商品),特別是當他們看到標的物已經腰斬或是股價從100元跌到只剩20元,他們以為現在進場就是撿到便宜。巴菲特的另一句名言:風險來自於你不知道你正在做什麼事(Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.)。當你20元買進後,這檔股票可能繼續跌到只剩3元。這類股票可說是非常的多,就以國際知名的AIG保險集團來說,其股價在5年前還在1200元上下(經過股票合併調整後之股價),目前只剩20元。如果你在AIG股價跌了9成多,股價來到100元時進場(當時剛好是2008年雷曼證券倒閉後幾天),那麼這3年多來,你持有的AIG又繼續下跌了80%。(見下圖)


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